
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Love Your Pasta and Eat it too!

My new favorite meal: “Karra Approved” Pasta!

Shirataki Noodles low-carb noodles can satisfy your spaghetti cravings, and are a gluten free replacement for pasta. Shirataki Noodles are made from yams, and are naturally low in calories and carbs, plus they are an excellent source of fiber, depending on the brand you prefer. These low fat noodles are tender and absorb the flavors you cook them with, so be creative and try them with every meal.

1 package of shirataki noodles
½ cup of pasta sauce (all natural or organic)
3 oz of extra lean (99%) ground turkey

1. Cook the ground turkey in a skillet and add Italian seasoning to taste,
2. In a pot, simmer ½ cup of pasta sauce under low heat.
3. When the ground turkey is finished cooking, measure out 3 oz and place in the pot of pasta sauce
4. Boil the noodles for about 3 minutes
5. Strain the noodles then pour pasta and ground turkey mixture over noodles.


Calories: 180
Carbs: 16
Protien: 21
Fat: 4

Complement this meal with 5 ounces of steamed broccoli or 1 slice of Ezekiel bread.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

GPS for Your Kitchen

I hear this all the time, “I’m depressed, I want to get into shape and lose weight but I can’t stick to a diet, can you help me?”

When it comes to dieting and nutrition, everyone wants a “quick fix” and to be told exactly what to do. Well, guess what? There is no one diet that works for everyone. What works for me may be different for you. There is no “magic pill” or “easy button” when it comes to dieting. You are never going to be successful at maintaining a “goal” weight if you do not learn for yourself to give your body what it needs.

Don’t believe me? Look at people who have done the “Jenny Craig” diet or “weight watchers”. People on that diet are looking for a “quick fix” and that’s exactly what they get, which is why they blow right back up after they have or attained or gotten close to their goal weight. Do they lose weight? Yes. Do they keep it off? ….rarely! Meals are hand delivered to your door; pre portioned and weighed out for you. Food has a “point system” rather than a “calorie or nutrition count”. As soon as you stop doing that “diet” you blow up again and it’s because you don’t ever learn how to do it for yourself!

This begins that “roller coaster” of dieting and emotional beatings that you can’t stop or find balance with. Here’s what happens, you diet and lose weight. You start feeling great about yourself and the way your body is looking, but then you slip up, or reach your goal and start to want to do things on your own. Now that meals are not being delivered to you all day, every day, you are not “tallying” up points on your note pad, you fold right back into your old habits; gain the weight back that you lost in addition to some “self-pity pounds”. Now you start emotionally beating yourself up telling yourself that you “can’t do anything”, “can’t stick to a diet” and “I’m a failure at dieting” or how about, “I guess I’m just meant to be fat”.

I know these feelings of negative self talk because I’ve been there and have experienced them before myself. Here’s the thing, no one is ever going to take care of you as best as you can take care of you. To be bluntly real, get off the “pity wagon” and stop making excuses and stop expecting people to spoon feed you results! Dieting is a slow and steady process that requires self honesty, patience and persistence. Make it happen! You can do it!

My first suggestion is for you to go out and buy a food journal and food scale. A food scale should cost about $20 and a notebook maybe $3. Do it today; not tomorrow, or Monday or after this weekend. Quit “buying” yourself more time to be overweight and unhappy with excuses that you know don’t help you in the long run.

Start documenting everything you eat all day long and see what you’re eating and exactly how much you are eating. Get your “baseline” so you know where you have to start from. Documenting your food is like your GPS system; it is showing you where you are going with what behaviors and actions you are currently doing. It is a continuous road map of your journey.

Your food scale is your best dieting tool! It is your compass. Using a food scale is not obsessive, it’s responsible. If you told yourself you were going to run a mile how do you know it’s a mile? You either mapped it, GPS’d it, or the treadmill told you so. The same goes for the food scale. How will you know that you ate 4 ounces of chicken? How do you know you had 28 grams of almonds? Let me guess… you’re going to guess, right? Rule number one…never, never guesstimate! The difference between 4 ounces of chicken and 6 ounces can be 100 calories. When dieting, a 100 calorie difference a couple times a day, adds up quickly.

I always weigh and measure my food… always. Weighing your food is safe. You wouldn’t eat your vegetables without being sure that they are clean, you wouldn’t ride your bike without a helmet or drive your car without a seatbelt, so do not eat without measuring your food. It maintains consistency, accuracy and accountably.

You have to learn a serving size is. How many calories are there in a serving? How many carbohydrates, fats and proteins are in each serving? How many servings did you have? Write down everything, and add it up at the end of each day. Most important, be honest with yourself. If it crossed your lips, write it down. You cannot change what you do not acknowledge. No one is going to see what you wrote except for you, so be honest with yourself and journal it.

Make it happen! You can do it! Change happens when you make it happen!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Importance of Your Post Workout Meal

One of the most crucial meals you need to make sure you are getting is your post workout meal. After a tough workout, you have just depleted your body of its nutrition, fatigued it, torn muscle and now it needs to be properly fueled with nutrients immediately to start building repairs.

There are 3 issues that need to be addressed:

1) How much food?
2) How often?
3) What kinds of food?

Post workout, your body needs a meal with both carbohydrates and proteins. Why both? A carbohydrate breaks down to glucose, which is essentially sugar and “fast digesting” fuel. Proteins repair your muscle cells, but the carbohydrate molecule (glucose) binds with the protein which helps to deliver the protein to your bloodstream fast, thus being able to replenish lost nutrients due to intense exercise and repair fatigued muscles.

There are several arguments about food suggestions and what to have post workout meal. If you are trying to build and maintain muscle mass, a good rule of thumb is to double your carbohydrates to protein ratio. So if you have 20 grams of protein, you should pair it with 40 grams of carbohydrates, that’s a 2:1 ration. If you are just seeking to recover, stick to a 4:1 ratio, 4 parts carbs to 1 part protein.

Everyone is different and I cannot give you a definite caloric break down of exactly “how much” food you should have, I will tell you that it should be at least a couple hundred calories for a woman and at least double for a man.

You need to eat your post workout meal no later than 45 minutes after your workout; preferably sooner. If you can, 20- 30 minutes is better. Do not wait till you go home, do not try to wait to eat till later. Your body needs this fuel. Pack it with you and bring it to the gym. If your training is dialed and your metabolism is revved up, you will hungry again after your post workout meal and ready for your “actual meal” shortly after.

A whey protein powder is going to be best for a protein drink because it is already broken down simply and is fast digesting. A protein powder with casein in it is a slow digestive protein and will slow the absorption down, which is what you do not want to happen with your post workout meal. When choosing a carbohydrate, you want something that is fast digesting, like fruit, usually an apple or banana, even milk since it has lactose (which is a form of sugar).

Checkout my Glute and Shoulder workout followed by 4 of Jack Napoli’s amazing recepie's that make for a great post workout meal!

Pair this killer workout with one of the 4 recepies below and you are well on your way to improving you health and your physique!

Glute and Shoulder Workout

  • Warm up with standing kick backs 2 sets of 15 on each leg

  • Power squats on and off bench 10x 2 sets (bench should be between 6-8 risers high) rest 30-60seconds before 2nd set.

  • Power squats straddling bench 10x 2 sets bench should be between 6-8 risers high) rest 30-60seconds before 2nd set.

  • Single leg dead with cable 3x10 (lighten your load and go slow!) ss with upright rows with cable or smith 4x 10

  • Single leg squat with cable 10x10x15 ss with “Y” raises w/ EZ bar 15x3

  • Seated Arnold presses 20x16x12 ss with dumbbell lateral raises 20x16x12 (No rests here!)

Healthy Recipes by Jack Napoli

Post Work Out Breakfast in "True Karra Fashion"

4 Carbohydrates and 1 Protein:

Oatmeal Breakfast:

1/4 c. Oatmeal – Microwavable is Fine,

1/4 c. Water – add more water if you need

1/2 Apple Cubed

1/4 c. Blueberries

1/4 c. Strawberries

1 tsp Peanut Butter or your favorite Nut Butter like Almond.

1/8 tsp. cinnamon or to taste – I use two Tablespoons because I like the taste – use cinnamon not cinnamon sugar


Carbohydrate Substitute:

Any combination of your favorite Fruit like:

Banana’s, Blackberries, Peaches etc.

Protein Substitutes:

Add a scoop of Protein Powder after you Cook the Oatmeal


1/8 c Pecans, almonds, or walnuts.

Flax Seed

I’m watching my Cholesterol so I add 2 Tablespoons of Ground Flax Seed. Make sure you use Ground the Flax Seed not whole. Our bodies have a hard time digesting Whole Flax seeds. To maximize their Cholesterol Fighting properties you should Grind the seeds or buy it already Ground.

1. Put the Oatmeal in a Bowl,

2. Add the Cinnamon and Mix,

3. Cube the Apple add to the Oatmeal with your other Fruit

4. Microwave for 1 and ½ minutes or until Cooked to your liking.

5. Remove from the Microwave,

6. Add the Peanut Butter and Stir until well mixed,

7. If it is too sticky add a little more water,

8. You can also add a Tablespoon of Yogurt or a Dash of Nonfat Milk.

Energy Bar Recipe (Lara Bar Like):

Here are a few different recipes:

Very Cherry:

1/4 c. dates,

1/4 c. dried cherries or cranberries,

1/3 c. whole pecans,

almonds, or walnuts,

1/8 tsp. cinnamon

Cashew Cookie Dough:

1/3 c. dates,

1/2 c. raw cashews Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough:

1/3 c. dates,

1/2 c. raw cashews,

1/2 tsp.vanilla extract,

pinch of cinnamon,

1/2 oz. finely chopped semisweet chocolate

Blueberry Bliss:

1/4 c. dried blueberries,

1/4 c. dates,

1/3 c. almonds,

1/2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest,

1 drop almond extract

*Note: Make sure to use roughly chopped whole dates, not pre-chopped for these recipes.

1. Lay two pieces of plastic wrap on counter.

2. Place fruit in food processor and pulse until it has a paste-like texture.

3. Transfer to a medium bowl.4. Add nuts to food processor and pulse until finely chopped.

5. Add nuts to bowl with the fruit.

6. Add all other ingredients.

7. Use fingers to knead into a paste.8. Divide mixture in half.

9. Place each half on plastic wrap.

10. Wrap plastic around mixture and form into a bar shape.

11. Wrap tightly in plastic and store in the refrigerator.

12. Makes 2 bars.

I Quadruple the Energy Bar Recipe when I’m making it. That way I have enough for a about two weeks. I break off about a 2 OZ. Chunk for each post work out snack.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Journey: an Article in Magazine

My Passion is Positively Influencing People

Check out this article about me in Magazine!

There is an aricle about me called, Positively Influencing People this is my Passion, by Karra Crawford.

This is an overview of my journey to discovering physical fitness!

I've been there, I know what that journy is like! You can do it too!