
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quit Slacking Off!

Quit Slacking Off!

What are you waiting for? You keep saying that you are going to “step it up” and that this time, is going to be “the time” that you finally crack down and stick to your diet. Ask yourself this…why do you have to say that over and over again? Just DO IT ALREADY!!!! Quit talking about what you are going to do and DO IT! Aren’t you tired and frustrated of always wanting to make change but never being able to actually create change? Who is to blame? It’s not your kids, it’s not your job, it’s not your finances, it’s not lack of time, and it’s not anything but a bunch of excuses and lack of personal initiative. It’s your choice; it’s where you priorities things that is important to you. That’s the truth and you know it. If was really important to you and if it was really a priority, you would find a way to get your workouts done and your meals prepped. I know that it is important to you or you wouldn’t care enough to reach out for help or read this, but you still find a way to justify excuses for yourself. Excuses are easy, commitments are not.

If enjoying that extra slice of pizza or homemade dessert is more satisfying to you than being able to look good and feel great about yourself in a bathing suit then fine… keep doing what your doing. Are you bettering yourself? No! Looking good is not simple. If it was, everyone would look amazing. It takes self sacrifice, commitment, patience and hard work. I am not the first to say that changing your body is a lot hard work! But don’t be afraid of hard work and don’t be afraid of failure. Be afraid of giving up.

Oh and a bit of advice… get over being hungry! Being hungry is part of the “game”. Go find me a “good looking” person with an attractive physique and ask them if they eat till they’re stuffed? It doesn’t happen. Someone who has a good physique makes a very conscious effort to look good and maintain their body weight.

Ask yourself, are those extra few bites going to make you feel better about yourself? Absolutely not! You might “feel” good for a few minutes while you enjoy the flavors of the food, but how are you going to feel afterwards? Full, uncomfortable, guilty. Is that “temporary feeling of enjoying flavors of your food going to make you feel better about yourself? A co worker asked me, “How do you do it? How do you have such discipline?” My response to her was this, “I can be chubby and dream about being g skinny or I can be skinny and dream about food”.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Karra! I really needed to hear/read this today.
