
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stay Committed: Pace yourself to Pay Yourself

Stay Committed: Pace yourself to Pay Yourself

What’s harder than adapting to the physical strain of exercise? Finding and maintaining the mental strength to continue your work outs and do them day after day, week after week and month after month!

It’s about not making excuses to miss your workouts or letting other things in life take time away from your fitness commitments. You are in control of you. It’s not because your kids are busy and you need to take them places. It’s not because you “had” to get an errand done today that you new about 2 weeks ago. It’s not because you overslept or under slept or are feeling “tired” and it’s not because you had to stay and work late!

The only reason why you miss workouts is because you don’t want to go! You are not too busy! Truthfully, you’d rather be doing something else. Too BAD!!!! You’d rather look and feel different than you do right? Then you should WANT to go to the gym and you should make yourself go, no matter what! Don’t complain or make excuses later when you have completely fallen off the band wagon as to why you couldn’t’ stay committed.

My point here is to prepare you to prepare yourself for the days when you won’t “feel” like working out. The beginning of your journey is always exciting and you generally start off really excited and anticipate your next workout because you are thrilled with the concept of changing and improving your life. But as time goes on… momentum wears off and motivation may slow down as life gets busy. What’s going to be that driving force that keeps you going?

That’s when commitment needs to step in. I guarantee you that there will be days when you don’t “feel” like working out, but you do it anyway because you know have to and you know you’ll feel better afterwards. It’s just like going to work every day and making a living… you have to! You generally don’t get the luxury of saying that you are not going to work because you don’t feel like it! Can you honestly expect to excel in your career if you don’t show up to work every day and do your job? The same goes for your workouts. You cannot expect to change your body and maximize results to their full potential if you don’t show up to do your workouts! You’re workouts are a form of payment for yourself. You workout (intensely) and you get paid with results. No workouts equal no payments/results. Pay yourself first and get your workouts done! No excuses!


  1. Great post Karra! All of us have busy schedules. I've finally learned when meetings, appointments, or gatherings conflict with my workout times that I need to plan better and make my afternoon workout a morning workout. It's not always easy dragging myself out of bed so early, but it's so worth it in the end.

  2. Exactly! For some of us the day gets in the way and teh best way to make sure that we get a workout in is to start early and do it first thing! That way its done and out of the way! I love starting my day with an early morning workout! I feel great all day long!
